
Stakeholders demanding a civil rights or racial equity audit? Navigating tricky content moderation issues on a technology platform?  Need an independent monitor for a discrimination legal settlement?  I may be able to help.

Civil Rights and Racial Equity Audits

Companies are increasingly navigating demands for civil rights or racial equity audits. As a civil rights expert with deep networks and relationship-building skills who has participated in the audits of Facebook (now, Meta) and Starbucks, I can work with corporate boards and executive teams to lead your audit.



Companies, public agencies or other institutions may need guidance on discrete issues relating to launching a new product or service, or the proper policies and systems to prevent discrimination. I can work with corporate, public and organizational leaders to develop effective solutions that ensure equity and advance organizational goals.

Independent Monitoring

When parties in a civil rights matter need an independent, third-party expert to monitor the terms of a settlement or consent decree, I can help to ensure the parties are fulfilling their obligations to the letter and spirit of the agreement. I bring a unique combination of legal and policy expertise, as well as practical, hands-on executive experience managing effective teams and building successful organizations.



Farhana is a sharp, strategic thinker who listens objectively to everyone’s input; she works with and brings together various interests and voices to attain common goals.  Farhana is always focused on not only the right thing to do but also what will be effective and practical. – Beth Diamond, Global Group Head of Claims, Beazley


I had the opportunity to repeatedly work with Farhana on some incredibly challenging issues. In addition to finding her to be a strong and effective advocate, Farhana was always fair, thoughtful and constructive. – Roy Austin, former Obama Administration official


I trust Farhana. Farhana is deeply committed to the rights and dignity of all people. She is a bridge builder and understands that the most challenging problems facing our country and institutions can only be addressed by bringing allied Americans together. She is adept at seeing a pathway forward. – Rea Carey, former Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force

Let's Work Together

Farhana Khera Consulting Services

Contact me and let's explore how we may work together.